You are invited to gain a deeper understanding of the significant hurdles black women in business encounter alongside the remarkable accomplishments they achieve during a panel discussion. Come and...
Personal savings: One of the most common ways to fund a business is by using your personal savings. This involves using money that you have saved up over time...
There are many reasons why someone may want to start a business, and here are a few: Pursuing a passion: Starting a business can be an opportunity to...
Here are 30 business ideas to consider: E-commerce store: Create an online store that sells products in a niche market. Digital marketing agency: Provide services such as...
Empowering women through entrepreneurship is a powerful way to promote gender equality and create positive social and economic change. Here are some ways in which entrepreneurship can empower women:...
Women’s leadership is crucial for achieving gender equality. While progress has been made in recent years, women are still underrepresented in leadership positions in many industries and sectors, including...